
NaN days, NaN hours, NaN minutes, NaN seconds

Location Information

  • Baltimore White Marsh SDA Church
  • 7427 Rossville Road, Rosedale, MD, 21237 US
  • Trip fees cover lodging, meals, ground transportation, staff, projects and 6 Flags Ticket. Airfare ticket or transportation to White Marsh Church is not included. You can purchase it online or with an agency or using your miles.

Parent's or Legal Guardian's Information

Minor's Information

Church's Information

Emergency Contact Information

Medical Form

In case of an emergency, parents will be contacted immediately. We would only need this information in case a minor needs immediate care and parents cannot be reached. 


This health history is correct and accurately reflects the health status of the minor to whom it pertains. The person described has permission to participate in all activities except as noted by me and/or an examining physician. I give permission, in case we cannot be reached, to the physician selected by the church to order x-rays, routine tests, and treatment related to the health of my child for both routine health care and in emergency situations. If I cannot be reached in an emergency, I give my permission to the physician to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and order injection, anesthesia, or surgery for this child. I understand the information on this form will be shared on a “need to know” basis with church staff. I give permission to photocopy this form. In addition, the church has permission to obtain a copy of my child’s health record from providers who treat my child and these providers may talk with the program’s staff about my child’s health status.

If your child has experienced COVID-19 symptoms 5 days prior to July 9, please make sure to have your child tested negative before bringing them to church. 


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
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